
  1. Overview
  2. Messenger

Core components of Messenger bot

These are the first messages that will be shown to your audience when they interact with your bot. So, you need to write that in a clear, comprehensive and customised manner to make your user know what is your Facebook page about.

How to setup Welcome Message

Welcome Message is the first message the user will receive from your Messenger bot. This message is sent when the user interacts for the first time with the Bot by clicking on the ‘Get Started’ button. Only Messenger Channel support the Welcome Message.

How to setup conversation starters

Ice Breakers provide a way for users to start a conversation with a business with a list of frequently asked questions. Your users will see questions related to your business instead of the generic “Get Started” button.

How to setup the greeting message

The greeting message is the first message that an audience can see when they come to your Messenger chatbot. Watch the video tutorial below

How to setup bot Persistent Menu?

The persistent menu allows you to have an always-on user interface element inside your bot conversations. This is an easy way to help people discover and access the core functionality of your bot at any point in the conversation.

How to auto reply to Facebook comments

A new way to turn your Facebook page audience into customers. Yes, you can make your Messenger chatbot send an auto-comment & automatic reply to the audience’s Messenger inbox when they comment on something on your page post.

How to use One-time Notification

The OTN or also known as the One Time Notification has been introduced during the new Messenger marketing changes by Facebook on March 4th of 2020. It is a way of preventing the many unsolicited messages (spam) subscribers received by the many businesses

How to use personas

Bot profile is simply the chatbot persona, you can change the Messenger chatbot’s profile name and image using this feature.

How to send Paid Messages (Sponsored Messages)

Paid Messages are generally called “Sponsored Messages” that can be sent to your Messenger subscribers in a targeted and automated manner.Note: To use this feature, you need to integrate Facebook Ads with the Todook platform.

How to dynamically Enable/Disable message composer

It can be done in three simple steps easily and it will help you to decide whether you can get the user input through buttons or through the keyboard.

Messenger Recurrent Notification

Recurring notifications allow your businesses to send recurring notifications on a topic a user has opted-in to receive.

Send conversion events to Facebook

Conversion events allow you to track actions that occur in your Messenger bot, such as purchase or submit application events. By tracking these events, you can measure ad performance and build audiences for ad targeting.